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Miniature Wargamer Tabletop Hobbyist Gift Ideas For This 2019 Christmas!

Here’s a few things I’ll never have enough of.








Paint. Myself I prefer army painter. There’s so many colors out there and while I can mix my own, sometimes it’s nice to just have it right there. Plus then you get a more consistent color. So paints are always welcome and seldom go bad. Even if its a color I already have I most likely will need more of it at some point.


Brushes. Good ones are fairly expensive and even the best ones wear out after a while, so a few good brushes are quite nice.


I own one of these and I love it. The top has a number of grips so you can hold circle or square bases and they pull apart so can fit a fairly large base in there. There’s other kinds out there but I really like this one.

If they don’t have something like this already they’d love one. They normally come in parts so they can be expanded.


This is the kind of palette I use now and again I love it. It’s nice because it’s easy to clean and since it’s ceramic it doesn’t get stained like the plastic ones do.

Finally, we always welcome new models to paint, no matter how many are sitting on the shelf in a box just mocking us because we haven’t even taken the plastic off yet.

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